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Dubai, Bali, Singapore, Kashmir, Goa, Jim corbett etc ...
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There are many variations of passages of available but the majority.
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority.
At Royal Savoy Holidays, the Karma Club redefines travel experiences, offering a unique gateway into the enchanting world of the international Karmaverse. With an array of exceptional value-added benefits, we’re confident you’ll fall in love with the difference we bring to every journey.
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We will then embark on a comprehensive city tour of Dubai. Discover the city's iconic landmarks, including Jumeirah Mosque, Gold Souk, Dubai Mall, Spice Souk, and the historic Bastakiya Square. Enjoy a scenic drive past Atlantis, The Palm. In the evening, prepare for an adventurous desert safari.
The vibrant destination of India, Goa, offers much more than its famous party scene. With a rich legacy, history, and culture waiting to be discovered, Goa has something for everyone. If you're in search of sun-soaked beaches, Goa delivers that in spades.
Bali, with its enchanting beauty, rich culture, and serene beaches, offers an unforgettable experience. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, Bali has it all.